Earth Angel Training Course: The Mental Body, Joshua Tree, CA

October 6-9, 2016 at Joshua Tree Retreat, California

IMG_7901This four day retreat takes you on an incredible journey through the mental body.

Learn how to quiet the mind and create a link to the heart. Earth Angel Sonja Grace teaches her signature grounding meditation helping students to adjust their frequency to the fifth dimension.

Discover your mental patterns and chart how to identify and release these reoccurring wounds.

Free your mind from the inner critic.IMG_7998

Uncover your relationship to your ego and find a healthy balance.

Pave the way for a new beginning and Experience clarity of mind and inner peace.

IMG_7926Earth Angel Sonja Grace brings 33 years of experience to aspiring Earth Angels and guides with care and integrity. If you are looking for guidance, clarity and stability these retreats are for you.

Find out more about the 2016 Earth Angel Training Courses…


Summer Specialย $950.00 (June 16, 2016 – August 31, 2016)
Full Price $1225.00 (Sept. 1, 2016 – Sept. 30, 2016)

This four day retreat includes all meals, 3 nights in double occupancy rooms. Roommates will be assigned (same sex) unless other arrangements are made through the office of Sonja Grace.

Payments are nonrefundable, but can be applied to phone sessions with Sonja

See and Read testimonials from people who have been to Sonja’s Retreats