Angels in the 21st Century Book by Sonja Grace

Angels in the 21st Century by Sonja GraceA holistic approach around death and dying that is totally unique. Sonja reveals that all experience is interconnected like our Four Essential Bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), emphasizing the opportunity for all to heal on many levels through forgiveness and surrender. is a must read for anyone interested Essential reading to expand understanding of the fascinating mysteries of living and dying. Imminently readable and full of hope, this little book is a treasure.


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Sonja Grace Sessions


Sonja’s ability to work remotely is a complete shift of time and space. As an energy surgeon she works on tissue, organs, blood, bones, illness and disease. Sonja helps clients to identify what the emotional components are that have caused the physical problem. Through deep processing work the emotional wounds from childhood are revealed and energetically released.

“It is God’s will, not mine” -Sonja Grace


Love, humor, inspiration and life path questions are answered in this thought provoking, weekly message.